Alper Kul
Graduated from Italian High School and then as the first graduate
from the department of International Relations of Koç University,
Alper Kul started his business life as front-office boy and
receptionist in the Italian vacation village Sarıgerme Valtur in
1992. During the years 1993-1999, he worked in the textile industry
as an interpreter in Italian and a sales assistant in different
cities in Turkey. Besides, he served in a project to found the
company in I1taly for TIRSAN, the leading organization of trailer.
Working as the field sales coordinator in Bridgestone Co. Between
the years 2002-2004, Alper Kul became responsible for the
markets in Italy, Spain, Lebanon, North Cyprus and Slovenia. At
the same time, he was also responsible for the coordination of
EXSA UK (London) and other markets.
In 2005-2012, he worked as the export manager for PepsiCo
International, he was responsible for sales of Pepsi, Pepsi Light,
Seven Up, Yedigün, Fruko, Lipton Ice Tea over Germany, Iraq,
Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, and all European countries
and he was in charge of expanding the sales volume for
In order to support his personal and career development
beyond his success in his business life, Alper Kul attended in
a number of programs such as “Spanish Courses” in Istanbul
Technical University, “Superior Sales Management” by Brian
Tracy Institute, Management Simulation Program. He speaks
English and Italian in the advanced level, Spanish in intermediate
level and German in elementary level. He also got Latin language
classes in Italian High School for 4 years. As the founder
and the general coordinator of many social development groups,
our author has also been into the music and he is composing in
new age style.
By considering himself as “An Agent of Change”, Alper
Kul created a climax in thousands of people’s career and lives
through all his seminars and TV programs.